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Recliner parts riveting and marking machine

  • Car seat recliners assembly machine
  • Marcaje y evacuación
  • Remachado recliner
  • Máquina especial para remachado y marcaje de componentes reclinadores (Vista general plato)


  • Riveting, greasing, insertion of bushings and marking of recliners
  • Machine that requires two operators


  • Rotary transfer with 6 workstations
  • Palletized components on a rotary plate
  • Design and manufacturing of special fixtures on pallets
  • Parts presence detection by laser
  • Control by artificial vision
  • Riveting of 5 positions with 2 controlled axis
  • Bushings insertion by a pneumatic unit
  • Greasing with volumetric doser
  • “Num” numerical control
  • Recliners automatic marking by scratching system
  • Automatic unloading of recliners with OK / NOK parts selection


  • Integration of all processes into one single machine: recliners assembly, greasing, control and marking
  • Adaptation to the client automation requirements
  • Robust and compact machine that saves room in the factory
  • Flexible machine that is valid for different models
  • Artificial vision system that optimizes the parts control process
  • EC declaration of conformity