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Great acceptance of AGME riveting machines in Mexico

  • Riveting machines Mexico
  • AGME RA riveting machines
  • riveting technology
  • Riveting machines presentation Mexico

We are pleased to celebrate the great success of the recent presentation of the 4th generation of AGME radial riveting machines in Mexico, at a B2B meeting of manufacturers of automotive components.

At this event we showcased our latest innovations in metal forming machinery (riveting machines and presses) and special assembly machinery. This new generation of AGME radial riveting machines represents not only a technological breakthrough but also the result of many decades of experience, engineering capability and an unwavering commitment to technical and commercial service excellence. Our riveting machines offer unmatched performance, durability and design, exceeding expectations in accuracy, efficiency and flexibility for many industrial applications.

From intricate forming operations to demanding assembly tasks, our riveting machines deliver maximum accuracy and efficiency, allowing engineers to achieve their goals with confidence. Equipped with intuitive interfaces and precise controls, they simplify machine use, reducing the learning curve and optimizing production processes.

The response received during the event was extraordinary. Engineers, technicians and manufacturers from the automotive industry recognized the positive impact that our AGME radial riveting machines and automatic assembly solutions can have on their production processes. They particularly appreciated our ability to offer not only high quality machines but also exceptional technical and commercial service that supports their needs at every stage of the process.

At AGME, we continue to lead the way in the future of automated assembly of automotive components, offering innovative and reliable solutions that drive efficiency and competitiveness in the industry.